Thursday, February 12, 2009

Whats In A Name?

I just had to get on my high horse about this one today.

Firstly I would like to offer my congratulations to Sophie Ellis-Bexter, who reportedly gave birth to her beautiful baby boy last week. He was delivered by emergency Cesarean, two months premature, at the London's Portland Hospital.

The next thing you will want to know is his name right? So, ladies and gentlemen, we have now reached the topic of my gripe for today-stupid baby names! Sophie Ellis-Bexters new little bundle of joy has been blessed, from here until eternity, with the name Kit Valentine.

This sent me off in all directions yesterday in search of some other, shall we say, highly unconventional names. One would assume that this sort of baby naming was reserved for the world of celebrity, but oh no. I have found a couple of ordinary civilians who grace this earth with some of the strangest names around.

On February 15th 2003, a little girl was born and her loving parent gave her the name Urhines (pronounced your highness) Kendal Icy Eight Special K.

In Singapore a Javanese couple named their precious son, born in May 1990, Batman Bin Suparman.

It seems as though this culture of bestowing your children with bizarre names is not a modern phenomenon at all, with Dick Assman being the oldest person with a strange name that I could find.

It really begs the question as to what these parents are thinking; Okay I have had children, your tired, cranky, and hormonal, but is that really a good enough excuse?

Listed below are some of the most ludicrous names from the world of celebrity

Bluebell Madonna - Gerri Halliwell
Kal-El - Nicholas Cage (Kal-El is Superman's original birth name)
Lark Song - Mia Farrow
Luna Coco - Frank Lampard

And finally we have to take our hats off to Frank Zappa for blessing all three of his children with the names, Moon Unit, Dweezil and Diva Muffin.


Anonymous said...

Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with have a different name. My name is Andy and it is such a common name that growing up three of my friends had the same name!

Anonymous said...

Yes, but some of the names mentioned in the post are very OTT. Unusal is fine, but rediculous is not!

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