Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Playboy And Kate Winslet

Now there are four words that I would never have thought possible to put together!

It seems while British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has been praising our Kate for her Oscar win, the likes of Hugh Hefner have been admiring her for a whole lot of other reasons.

The Oscar winning actress is well known for stripping off in her films, but has vowed to never do it again on the silver screen. The big question is will she do it for Playboy?

Hefner is still hoping to convince Kate to appear as a centrefold in his magazine stating she would be a 'most welcome addition to our pages.'

So, do you think she should do it?

Me thinks not! Kate Winslet basically has the world at her feet now she has won an Oscar, she does not need the money either, and to be quite honest with you, I think doing something like this could do more harm than good to her untarnished reputation and take the spotlight away from her acting career and future achievements.

So Kate, if you are out there...please don't do it. Use your Oscar winning status wisely, because you already know that the media (or the British press in particular) will be more than happy to knock you down from the high that you are on now.


Anonymous said...

I think you are right, she has no need to do it.

Kate has reached a crucial point in her career, she would just go and spoil any credibility she has gained by saying yes to Playboy.


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