Thursday, March 19, 2009

Birthday Cheer!!

I just cannot believe that my Little baby is one year old today. It hardly seems like two minutes ago that I was racing to the hospital and holding her in my arms for the first time.

Like any other baby having their first birthday, she doesn't know much about it, but I have taken lots of photographs to mark the occasion!

So what did we buy her? Well she is not walking yet, only shuffling on her bottom, but she does like to spend time outside watching her big sister riding her bike. Well now, she no longer just sits in her pram to watch her sister, she can now ride alongside her!!

Smart Trike Plus is a brilliant invention. A trike which has supported seating, (with harness), parent handle, and a sun shade (perfect for Spain). We bought it from Otherland. Although they are UK based, they ship to the EU, so we were really happy at paying the extra delivery fee for this great product.

Libby loves it too. We have already been out in the garden with the Smart Trike this afternoon and she was chuckling and Wooo Woooing with delight as we trundled around the garden.

All that racing around has left Libby tired, so she is having a nap at the moment, which gives me a little time to put up the birthday banners and blow up some balloons!


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