Monday, June 1, 2009

What Is It With You People?

I honestly do not know what to say!

I don't want this post to turn into a rant about Ebay, but it will probably sound that way.

In my search for making money online I thought I would try and jump on the Ebay band wagon. Like any sensible person, I did my research first and realised just how unprofitable working Ebay was going to be. I know it's a huge marketplace, but that is it's major disadvantage. Selling prices have been driven so low that I have no idea how anyone can afford to sell anything, let Alone make a significant profit.

So this is why I am asking what is wrong with you all. As far as I can see Ebay is a non starter for generating an income. It's too expensive and a new seller just cannot compete. So why is it that there are so many other auction sites that are cheaper but are not popular?

Buyers are looking for bargains and sellers are looking to make maximum profits, so why are they not choosing to go elsewhere?

I know it has to do with clever branding, but I think Ebay really has lost it's novelty. From a sellers perspective it's not economically possible for me to sell at a profit, so how is anyone else managing it?

Answers on a postcard to......

Anyway, I found lots and lots of Ebay alternatives but they are not as busy as ebay, but by far the best alternative is but if you go take a look at it you will see it's not the busiest of places, but it is FREE to list. Infact it's just FREE.

I just wish more of you bargain hunters would look on other auction sites, and that more sellers would perhaps build yourselves a second shop just to give it a try.


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