If there is one thing I really hate it is thieves. What gives them the right to assume that they don't have to go out there and earn a respectable living like the rest of us? Why do they think it is okay to steal someones hard earned money and sentimental valuables?
Imagine my jubilation when I found this story today about one thief who got himself a little lost.
A hapless thief drilled his way into a French bank at the weekend, but missed the safe and instead found himself in a lavatory where he was promptly arrested, a French newspaper reveal.
The paper said the man, who came from Belgium and was not named, thought that he was going to end up in a room housing safe deposit boxes but instead drilled into the lavatories.
Alarms were triggered when he broke through the wall and police caught the man when they arrived on the scene.
You just have to laugh don't you?
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